ZANU-Ndonga dissolved to join ZANU-PF

One of Zimbabwe’s longest surviving opposition parties, the Zimbabwe African National Union-Ndonga has been dissolved and its members have been called upon to join ZANU-PF.

ZANU-Ndonga was founded by the late Ndabaningi Sithole who was the founding president of the current ZANU-PF but was kicked out in a prison coup in the 1970s.

Sithole went on to join the transitional government of Ian Smith in 1978 and contested the 1979 elections which saw Abel Muzorewa become Prime Minister of the short-lived Zimbabwe-Rhodesia.

ZANU-Ndonga failed to win a single seat the 1980 elections but bounced back later to clinch the Chipinge seat.

Party president Wilson Khumbula today told the Zimbabwe Broadcasting Corporation that the party was dissolved with immediate effect today and was joining ZANU-PF.

Khumbula said the party was initially dissolved in 2015 to rejoin ZANU-PF but this was thwarted by the G40 cabal.

“I call upon all former ZANU-Ndonga members to adhere to our decision that the party ZANU-Ndonga dissolved in February 2015 and joined ZANU-PF to become one party following the final round of negotiations with the representatives of ZANU-PF led by Hon Dr Win BJ Mlambo. The decision to join ZANU-PF was downplayed by the G40 cabal which teamed up with Manicaland provincial executive…..our members were denied entry into ZANU-PF which saw some of our members enticed to other parties,” Khumbula was quoted by the ZBC as saying.

“Now because the G40 cabal was brought to book, I call upon again to all ZANU-Ndonga members to come back to ZANU-PF. We have agreed with the leadership of the new dispensation led by His Excellency Cde Emmerson Dambudzo Mnangagwa that all our members are very much welcome into the party since we started together in 1963 as one party.”



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