MDC says ZANU-PF is now a terrorist organisation

The Movement for Democratic Change has condemned the high-handed manner in which the police have handled recent peaceful demonstrations and says the ruling Zimbabwe African National Union-Patriotic Front is now a terrorist organisation

In two separate statements, the MDC said the actions of the police were a clear indication that the Zimbabwe African National Union-Patriotic Front was now afraid of the people.  

“The regime is now paranoid as it is acutely aware of the fact that millions of Zimbabweans are living in abject poverty and destitution as a direct result of the regime’s misrule, unmitigated corruption and misgovernance,” party spokesman Obert Gutu said in the statement.

“Typical of all dictatorial and fascist regimes, the ZANU-PF government is determined to use brute force and violence in order to unconstitutionally stop Zimbabweans from exercising their constitutional right to stage peaceful demonstrations.

“Zimbabwe has now degenerated into a virtual police state since all forms of demonstrations against the deteriorating socio – economic conditions presently obtaining in the country are crushed through the thuggish and Stalinist use of force and repression.”

Gutu called on President Robert Mugabe, who is currently on holiday in the Far East, to cut short his holiday to come and address national issues.

“As a party, the MDC would like to call upon Robert Mugabe to cut short his undeserved State–funded holiday and to immediately come back so that he can personally take control of the collapsing national economy. The country is on virtual auto pilot as the nonagenarian President is living it up in the Far East. How insensitive and selfish can a President be?

“The MDC would also like to take this opportunity to call upon all Parliamentarians, across the political divide, to put their heads together when Parliament resumes sitting within the next few weeks. It is abundantly clear that President Robert Mugabe has abdicated his responsibilities as the Head of State and as such, Parliament should proceed to impeach him.

“The old man is now clearly out of his wits and he is no longer fit for purpose. He doesn’t deserve to continue exercising the duties and functions of our State President. We call upon Mugabe to call it a day and retreat to Gushungo  Estates in Mazowe  where he can spend time admiring his huge herd of dairy cows.”


Full statements:


Wednesday, 06 January 2016

 Zanu PF now a de facto terrorist organisation


Section 59 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe states that every person has the right to demonstrate and to present petitions, but these rights must be exercised peacefully.

Of late, the Zimbabwe Republic Police and other organs of the State security apparatus have ruthlessly and unlawfully clamped down on peaceful demonstrations. On Monday, January 4, 2016 in Harare, the Police unlawfully blocked a protest march that was organised by the Rural Teachers’ Union of Zimbabwe (RTUZ) to press government to urgently release civil servants’ December salaries. The MDC unreservedly condemns the high – handed and unlawful action by the police in violently crushing a peaceful demonstration.

It is apparent that the Zanu PF regime is afraid of the people of Zimbabwe. The regime is now paranoid as it is acutely aware of the fact that millions of Zimbabweans are living in abject poverty and destitution as a direct result of the regime’s misrule, unmitigated corruption and misgovernance. Typical of all dictatorial and fascist regimes, the Zanu PF government is determined to use brute force and violence in order to unconstitutionally stop Zimbabweans from exercising their constitutional right to stage peaceful demonstrations.

Zimbabwe has now degenerated into a virtual police state since all forms of demonstrations against the deteriorating socio – economic conditions presently obtaining in the country are crushed through the thuggish and Stalinist use of force and repression.

At a time when more than 90% of the population is living rough, President Robert Mugabe and a large entourage of his hangers – on have decided to embark on an expensive holiday in the Far East; which holiday jamboree is fully funded by the near bankrupt State. Whilst the majority of civil servants such as doctors, nurses and teachers have not been paid their deserved annual bonuses and salaries, Robert Mugabe is completely insensitive to the plight of these hardworking servants of the State.

Instead of urgently returning home to address the emergency situation caused by the non – payment of civil servants’ salaries as well as the impending drought, Mugabe  and his extended family are wining and dining in very expensive and upmarket hotels and restaurants in Singapore, Hong Kong and Dubai.

As a party, the MDC would like to call upon Robert Mugabe to cut short his undeserved  State – funded holiday and to  immediately come back so that he can personally take control of the collapsing national economy. The country is on virtual auto pilot as the nonagenarian President is living it up in the Far East. How insensitive and selfish can a President be?

The  MDC would also like to take this opportunity to call upon all Parliamentarians, across the political divide, to put their heads together when Parliament resumes sitting within the next few weeks. It is abundantly clear that President Robert Mugabe has abdicated his responsibilities as the Head of State and as such, Parliament should proceed to impeach him.The old man is now clearly out of his wits and he is no longer fit for purpose. He doesn’t deserve to continue exercising the duties and functions of our State President. We call upon Mugabe to call it a day and retreat to Gushungo  Estates in Mazowe  where he can spend time admiring his huge herd of dairy cows.

Zimbabweans have suffered for too long under the Zanu PF dictatorship being fronted by Robert Mugabe. The chains of servitude now have to be unlocked. 2016 should be the Year of The People’s  Liberation.


MDC: Equal Opportunities for All

Obert Chaurura Gutu

National Spokesperson



Wednesday, 06 January 2016

 MDC condemns police heavy handedness

The MDC unreservedly condemns the police heavy handedness in the brutal clampdown and the throwing of teargas on commuter omnibus operators in Chitungwiza yesterday.

The MDC appreciates the efforts by local authorities to bring order and sanity in urban transport sector, but we add that it is advisable for councils and commuter omnibus operators to engage in dialogue and come up with a peaceful way to bring order in our urban areas. In this regard, we welcome the exemplary way in which the Bulawayo City Council and commuter omnibus operators engaged in meaningful and fruitful dialogue to bring sanity in urban transportation in the country’s second largest city. We urge other local authorities and commuter operators to emulate the city of Bulawayo example so that we tame the traffic jungle in our urban areas.

However, while the police have every right to assist in bringing order in our communities,  the MDC condemns in the strongest terms the police decision to fire teargas on innocent commuter operators in legitimate demonstration against what they perceived to be Chitungwiza city council’s punitive levies on all commuter operators in town.

The barbaric action by the police to engage in a violent clampdown on citizens exercising their constitutional right should be condemned in the strongest terms. We expect the police to assist in facilitating meaningful dialogue between disputing parties and not to worsen the situation by brutally attacking commuter operators who are struggling to eke a living in these trying times.

The MDC is on the side of any legitimate, constitutional and peaceful expression by citizens of the country, including commuter bus operators. There is no reason whatsoever for such heavy handedness by the police, whose responsibility is to maintain law and order and not cause unnecessary pain to citizens exercising their constitutional right of freedom of expression.

The MDC notes that it is the police themselves who have gravely affected the transportation of urban commuters by their punitive fines of $100 for even small traffic offenses at a time Zimbabweans are surviving on less than US$1 a day.

While we need the police on our roads to stem the road carnage, the new regime of punitive fines by the police will fuel corruption and are not consistent with the economic situation in the country.

The MDC roundly condemns the stiff fines gazetted by government which have fuelled corruption on our roads by police officers as well as the law enforcement agents’ use of hard, brutal power on innocent commuter operators exercising their Constitutional right in Chitungwiza. The police should operate within reasonable and civil limits and not be agents of brutality and disorder.

Hon. Lillian Timveos

Secretary for Home Affairs



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