9 more die of coronavirus in Harare as Parirenyatwa suspends visiting times

9 more die of coronavirus in Harare as Parirenyatwa suspends visiting times

Nine more people died of coronavirus in Harare yesterday as one of the country’s largest central hospitals, Parirenyatwa, suspended visiting times because of the surge in the number of local coronavirus infections and reported cases at the institution.

Another nine people died in Harare at the weekend bringing the number of people that have died in the capital so far this month to 19. A total of 26 people have died this month.

There were 73 new cases yesterday all local infections. The total number of cases has risen to 10 912.

The number of recoveries rose to 9 062 after 90 people recovered, 53 of them in Mashonaland East. The number of active cases in the province dropped to 66.

There are currently 1 547 active cases, 587 of them in Bulawayo. Matebeleland South has 250 and Harare 200.

Parirenyatwa said only the recorded next of kin will be allowed to visit with effect from today. It said the restriction can be revoked any time depending on the circumstances on the ground.

Globally, the number of cases has risen to 68.6million and includes 1.56 million deaths, 47.5 million recoveries and 19.5 million active cases.



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