6 Zimbabweans die of coronavirus bringing total for August to 135

6 Zimbabweans die of coronavirus bringing total for August to 135

Six Zimbabweans, three of them from Bulawayo, died of the coronavirus today bringing the total for August alone to 135 and the cumulative total to 202.

There were 85 new cases and 160 recoveries resulting in the number of active cases dropping from 1 155 to 1 074.

Masvingo now has only seven active cases and Mashonaland Central nine.

The country has 6 497 cases including 5 221 recoveries.

Globally there are now 25.5 million cases which include 852 400 deaths, 17.8 million recoveries and 6.9 million active cases.

Russia, which is currently number four in terms of number of cases, could clock one million cases anytime as it currently has 995 319 cases.

The top three countries have more than three million cases each.



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