5 Zimbabweans die of coronavirus with 3 days to lockdown review

5 Zimbabweans die of coronavirus with 3 days to lockdown review

Five Zimbabweans died of coronavirus today with three days to go before the country decides whether to extend or relax its strict Level 4 lockdown which has been in operation for almost eight weeks.

There were 50 new cases today bringing the total to date to 36 044 but the seven-day rolling average for new cases dropped from 64 to 48.

The number of active cases dropped to 2 042 after 84 people recovered today. So far 32 539 people have recovered and 1 463 have died.

Harare now has 777 active cases. Manicaland is still at 566 with Mashonaland West at 218 and Bulawayo up at 119.

The vaccination programme slowed today with 1 572 getting the jab bringing the total to 12 579.

Although vaccination is voluntary President Emmerson Mnangagwa warned that there will come a time when those not vaccinated will not get jobs or use public transport.

He has not yet been vaccinated but said he will get the jab within two weeks when the next batch of vaccines from China is delivered.

Zimbabwe has bought 1.8 million does from China and has been given another 400 000, enough to vaccinate just over one million people.

Though his video warning people to get vaccinated or face the prospect of not getting jobs or using public transport went viral, Zimbabwe still has a long way from vaccinating the intended 10 million it has targeted.

It is estimated that Zimbabwe has 16 million people.




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