5 die as active coronavirus cases in Zimbabwe go up again

5 die as active coronavirus cases in Zimbabwe go up again

Five people died of coronavirus in Zimbabwe today while there were 39 new cases and only 14 recoveries resulting in the number of active cases going up to 875.

The figures are being driven by new cases in Matebeleland South which had 17 new cases today. It dominated the rise last week following an outbreak of the pandemic at Sacred Heart High School near Esigodini where 117 pupils tested positive.

Cases in Harare continue to drop and are now at 398 while Bulawayo goes up and down and is now at 118. Cases in Matebeleland South rose to 271.

The vaccination programme continues to be moving smoothly with 13 116 getting their first dose today, increasing the number to 231 632, while 657 got their second dose raising the number of people that have been fully vaccinated to 30 496.

Zimbabwe has already procured 1.2 million doses of vaccine and received more than 400 000 doses as donations.

Cabinet said yesterday Zimbabwe was awaiting the delivery of another 600 000 doses while the Ministry of Finance had been given the go-ahead to import five million more doses.

Zimbabwe intends to vaccinate more than 10 million people to reach herd immunity.



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