15 people tried to abduct Zimbabwe doctors’ leader

15 people tried to abduct Zimbabwe doctors’ leader

The Ministry of Information today said Zimbabwe Hospital Doctors Association president Peter Magombeyi is free to leave the country but police were merely trying to make sure that he is safe because 15 unidentified people tried to abduct him from his hospital bed yesterday but were thwarted by the police.

“The government assures the nation that Dr Magombeyi is not being held against his will. Satisfied that his personal safety is guaranteed government will ensure that Dr Magombeyi is free to travel to a place of his choice without hindrance,” Information Minister Monica Mutsvangwa said.

She said that police had sought the court’s assistance to delay his departure because they wanted assistance to help apprehend the alleged abductors to bring them to justice.

Magombeyi was allegedly abducted on 15 September and resurfaced four days later some 40 km outside Harare.

There have been some reports that he was tortured and was now wheelchair bound but police say the reports are false.

Magombeyi was examined by both private and government doctors but the results have not yet been made public.

His alleged abductions made headlines across the globe but he has so far not been able to explain what happened to him exactly.



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