15 deportees from Botswana test positive for coronavirus

15 deportees from Botswana test positive for coronavirus

Zimbabwe yesterday recorded 52 new cases of coronavirus including 15 deportees from Botswana to push the number of cases to 39 144.

Only 10 people recovered resulting in the number of active cases increasing to 849.

One person died in Bulawayo where another four died on Thursday bringing the number of people that have succumbed to the virus so far to 1 605.

Harare now has 396 active cases, followed by Masvingo with 134, Matebeleland South with 94 and Bulawayo 65.

Only 1 400 people got the first jab today and 6 334 got their second. Those fully vaccinated now stand at 370 674 while 685 564 have received one dose.



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