£15 000 reward

A British family has offered a reward of £15 000 (about $25 000)for information about the death of Robert Wood in Bulawayo last year. Wood, a former Special Air Services solider, was found hanging in March at the home he shared with his girlfriend Henrietta Dube. Police said this was a suicide but his family believe he was murdered. Wood was running a gold mine on behalf of investors. Dube’s other boyfriend Bhekithemba Nyoni quickly moved in following Wood’s death. Wood was married and had two children. His family was in the United Kingdom. Wood’s brother Ian, who lives in Dover, said it was very important that the family found out what happened. “We don’t believe he committed suicide. We believe he was murdered. We want to get some final closure. If it is left open there is still a niggling question at the back of your mind,” he said.



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