11 ZANU-PF members expelled from Parliament- Chamisa protests

The Zimbabwe African National Union-Patriotic Front today recalled 11 legislators because they no longer represented the interests of the party in Parliament with effect from 10th January.

Those expelled were:

  • Makhosini Hlongwane, Mberengwa East Constituency;
  • Anastancia Ndhlovu, Proportional representation;
  • Tapiwanashe Matangaidze, Shurugwi South Constituency;
  • Shadreck Mashayamombe, Harare South Constituency;
  • Wonder Mashange, Rushinga Constituency;
  • Daniel Shumba, Masvingo Urban Constituency;
  • Walter Mzembi, Masvingo South Constituency;
  • Jappy Jaboon, Bikita South Constituency;
  • Paul Chimedza, Gutu South Constituency;
  • Sarah Mahoka, Hurungwe East Constituency;  and
  • Samuel Undenge, Chimanimani East Constituency.

Ironically, while the move was constitutional, Movement for Democratic Change vice-president Nelson Chamisa appealed to political parties to avoid using this constitutional provision to be vindictive.

“I am also referring to even the MDC – it is important for political parties, particularly in the context of a new dispensation. We do not want this new dispensation to see a generational genocide,” he said.

“We have lost some of the very competent young Members of Parliament who were very promising. Yes, it is a latitude of any political party but it must be noted that it is very dangerous to then target a particular generation the way we have done only because we have differed politically even within political parties.

“Let us be as inclusive as possible. This is a plea I must state and mention as a Member of Parliament that in political parties, let us not just go on a generational hara-kiri whereby we destroy certain people of a particular generation…….”

The legislators that were expelled belonged to the G40 faction of ZANU-PF but not all were in their 40s. Only one of the G40 kingpins Saviour Kasukuwere is in his 40s. Jonathan Moyo just turned 61 a week ago.

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