80 percent of Zimbabweans say government has failed to fight corruption

Four out of every five Zimbabweans say the government has failed to curb corruption which has become so institutionalized that some people believe the country cannot turn around its fortunes unless something drastic is done.

And the onus is on the government to fight the scourge as some 58 percent of the ordinary Zimbabweans believe that there is nothing they can do to fight corruption.

Police and the courts are the worst culprits with most people saying they paid bribes to these institutions.

According to the latest survey released yesterday by Transparency International, Zimbabwe’s powerful neighbour, South Africa seems to be doing worse.

Some 83 percent of the people surveyed said corruption had gotten worse in the country over the past 12 months.

Ghana and Nigeria followed with 76 and 75 percent, respectively.

Though no figure for Zimbabwe was given it is in the 60-80 percent group.

Corruption has been under heavy debate especially in Parliament with some legislators accusing President Robert Mugabe of promoting the scourge by not punishing the culprits and in some cases rewarding some like members of his cabinet.

One of his deputies Emmerson Mnangagwa came onto the platform with a new slogan “masamba asiyana” to curb corruption but this is yet to be seen.



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