Zimbabwe can do a lot that does not require foreign direct investment

Zimbabwe can do a lot that does not require foreign direct investment

Meaningful efforts to tackle widespread and complex corruption are hard, particularly when no one in the leadership has clean hands.

But, in the case of Zimbabwe, leaders who were willing to do the unthinkable — risk their lives to remove Mugabe — should also recognize that the only way to save the country is to continue to move boldly, prioritizing efforts that confront corruption in order to restore public faith, and to invest resources in essential social services and inclusive economic development.

Harnessing diamond revenues that bypass government accounts — as opposed to benefiting opaque groups of owners, mine operators, and global buyers — is one step.

Creating structures and systems to formalize and protect workers engaged in artisanal and small-scale gold mining is another step.

Investing government resources and legislative power to address the crippling problem of wage theft in public and parastatal sectors is yet another.

None of these steps requires foreign direct investment. Rather, the government can draw on the expertise and talent in the country’s legal, human rights, labor, and community-based organizations to create the policies and structures necessary to begin to recapture the people’s wealth.

Harnessing Zimbabwe’s wealth can also reduce dependence on foreign direct investment and reduce future external debt to international financial institutions, which currently stands at over $11 billion.

The new leaders of the US Congress have an opportunity in 2019 to explore concrete and innovative policies that can help lay the foundation for the type of accountable and transparent government necessary to rebuild Zimbabwe, for Joyce and all her sisters.

Namely: Support African-led solutions that promote government, community, and broad civil society efforts to manage natural resources; here in the US, advance legislative efforts to remove the corporate veil and support workplace transparency; and, through the many legislative vehicles available — including resolutions, reports, legislation, and aggressive oversight — advocate for country efforts to invest resources in essential social services, deteriorating physical infrastructure, and the creation of decent work, as opposed to demanding that Zimbabwe provide tax, land, and other giveaways to attract foreign direct investment.

These recommendations require the new Congress to focus on the Zimbabwean people, to reject the neoliberal economic models that prioritize private sector investment above all else, and to strategically use the leverage and tools available while they support African-led initiatives.

These are major shifts, but Zimbabwe has defied the odds before — 13 months ago, few would have predicted Mugabe’s ouster. Can the new government muster the political will to explore outside the box thinking that would likely expose many to public shame for their involvement in robbing the country?

A tough question, but an affirmative response is the only avenue forward to ensure that Joyce’s comment remains metaphorical, as opposed to literal.

By Imani Countess for Foreign Policy in Focus



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