Zimbabwe Insider - Part 1709

  • ZSE doing roaring business

    Zimbabwe is full of paradoxes. The country has no cash, fuel or foreign currency. But companies are doing booming business, at least in terms of...

  • Government responsible for fall of dollar

    The freefall of the Zimbabwean dollar continued with the local currency plunging to about $4 000 to the greenback by the end of July. Market...

  • OK still OK

    Retail group OK Zimbabwe saw its sales for the year ending March almost treble from $16.3 billion to $47.7 billion but it says the increase...

  • PG profit up 552 percent

    Despite the shortages of electricity, cement, coal, fuel and other utilities which have become a daily challenge, PG Industries says it has so far been...

  • TSL makes a profit of over 1300%

    TSL, which runs the country’s biggest tobacco auction floors, has decided to stimulate tobacco production, which this year was half that of last year. This...

  • Hunyani heading for exceptional year?

    Packaging company, Hunyani could be in for an exceptional year. Its sales for the first half ending April were higher than those for the entire...

  • Volumes down profit up for Chemco

    At first glance, the picture looks dismal. Volumes are down because of reduced agricultural activity. Turnover is adversely affected by price controls and reduced margins...