Moyo gets the nod

Information Minister Jonathan Moyo is about to get the recognition that he has been seeking for the past five years, a constituency of his own. Moyo, who has been working behind the scenes to get a parliamentary seat since he was appointed Information Minister in 2000, has been selected by the people of Tsholotsho to represent them in next year’s elections.

But the people could have jumped the gun. Normally candidates can only be announced after primary elections. But Moyo is not the only ZANU-PF candidate to have his name proposed for a parliamentary seat.

The people of Insiza have already selected Andrew Langa as their candidate. The same applies to Elliot Manyika for Bindura, Obert Mpofu for Umguza, just to name a few.

Moyo has been campaigning strongly for the Tsholotsho seat as reported in The Insider in November. He has poured millions into the constituency including telecommunication services.

But the biggest coup was the announcement of a scholarship scheme under which he would pay fees and levies for all pupils who came first and second in every class and in every grade or form in the district. Tsholotsho has 80 primary, 17 secondary and three high schools.

But whispers say, Moyo was so desperate to get an elected seat that he was not only campaigning in Tsholotsho but in Lupane as well as a fallback.

Apparently the whispers say Moyo is no stranger to Lupane. Reports say he grew up there as that is where his mother allegedly comes from.

Moyo is the chairman of the Lupane State University fund-raising committee.

The whispers even suggest that he mobilised some chiefs to help him in his campaign. This was allegedly an easy task as his grandfather is said to be a chief in the area.



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