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Mnangagwa tells war veterans let us show the world that democracy has come of age in Zimbabwe

Thus, strategies are in motion to ensure the resuscitation, retooling, expansion and modernisation of various industries, agriculture, mining and manufacturing, tourism, infrastructure development, ICT and the financial services sectors. Under the mantra, “Zimbabwe is open for business”, we are robustly engaging and re-engaging with the outside world for strategic investments and win-win collaboration and partnerships. I am confident that these efforts will result in increased Foreign Direct Investment into our economy which will in turn lead to a growing economy and improved quality of life of all our citizens.

To date, we are pleased that we have received over 11 billion dollars of FDI commitments into our economy. Furthermore, my Government continues to receive massive investment inquiries and injections into the mining, infrastructure, agriculture, energy and tourism sectors.

On the domestic front, we have resolved as Cabinet to reform various State-owned enterprises and parastatals to ensure that they meaningfully contribute to the growth of the economy. These reforms will see some institutions being merged, disbanded or privatised. Equally important in the business reform agenda is the need to attend to governance issues and stop the culture of rogue work practices which encourage rent seeking tendencies, breed corruption and stifle business growth and investments.

Let me take this opportunity to re-assure you, fellow comrades that, in all these endeavours, my Government will always remain alive to the need to protect and guard our sovereignty and national interest. All that my Government will do, in every corner of our guest country; for indeed that is why we took up arms and fought for our liberation.

Fellow Comrades;

In a few weeks, we will be holding our harmonised general elections. Our party is ours together, you and I have a huge responsibility, which we are obligated by our party constitution. We must be loyal to the party, spread and popularise our party policies and principles without flinching or swerving. Ours is to toe the party line, cognisant of the immense responsibility to defend our national heritage and chart a definite, successful and prosperous future, not only for our party, but all multitudes of people throughout the country.

I, thus, exhort us to go out, full throttle, in our huge numbers and campaign for a thunderous victory for our party. During the liberation struggle we were like fish, and the people the sea. In that fashion, let us go forth in our campaign with women, youth and their affiliates; let us go out with business, small and medium enterprises, students, informal traders, farmers and miners.

Let us not forget the media fraternity, workers, hairdressers and our cross-border traders, among others. The task to rebuild our country is for all of us Zimbabweans together; to do so we must win the hearts and minds of our populace.

As we campaign, I urge us all to preach and live in unity, peace and love. As you are aware, these elections will be observed by international observers, I appeal to all of our people to show them the great Zimbabwean hospitality and that, indeed, our democracy has come of age. We are united by our national anthem and flag. Aluta continua. Victory is certain.

I thank you!
God Bless Zimbabwe!


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Charles Rukuni

The Insider is a political and business bulletin about Zimbabwe, edited by Charles Rukuni. Founded in 1990, it was a printed 12-page subscription only newsletter until 2003 when Zimbabwe's hyper-inflation made it impossible to continue printing.

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