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Mnangagwa asks Chamisa: Why should you be bothered about what is happening at ZANU-PF rallies?

Vice-President Emmerson Mnangagwa on Wednesday asked Movement for Democratic Change-Tsvangirai Member of Parliament for Kuwadzana East Nelson Chamisa why he should be bothered about what was happening at Zimbabwe African National Union-Patriotic Front rallies since he belonged to the opposition.

Chamisa had asked Mnangagwa whether he was not having sleepless nights because the First Lady was travelling around the country under the slogan  Handei naAmai, Handei naAmai.

“Do I look like someone who is not getting a good night sleep?” Mnangagwa asked, in response. “He knows my wife is here and why did he not ask my wife if I slept well? You can even find out from my sister-in-law if I do get a good night sleep. If you are too shy to ask my wife, you can find out from my sister-in-law over there.”

“Coming to the second part of the question that was asked about the First Lady holding rallies across the country, the First Lady is conducting ZANU-PF rallies and not MDC-T rallies. Why should you be bothered by that?”

Mnangagwa said there was no in-fighting within his party. “We are so united in our political party,” he said.

“Zimbabwe is the most stable country we have in the region. We are so peaceful. Other parliamentary institutions in the world fight in parliament. We do not have that in here; we are so peaceful and dignified.”


Q & A:


HON. CHIBAYA: My question is directed to the Leader of the House, the Vice President, Hon. Mnangagwa. Hon. Speaker, is the Government able to deliver anything, given the vicious in-fighting and power struggle in the ruling party? I thank you.

THE VICE PRESIDENT AND MINISTER OF JUSTICE, LEGAL AND PARLIAMENTARY AFFAIRS (HON. MNANGAGWA): I thank the Hon. Member for asking that question. You did not only help the people in this House, but the entire region, that Zimbabwe is among the most peaceful countries in the region. Zimbabwe is the most stable country we have in the region. We are so peaceful. Other parliamentary institutions in the world fight in parliament. We do not have that in here; we are so peaceful and dignified. I am so happy that this is the country which ZANU-PF rules – [HON. MEMBERS: Inaudible interjections.] –

THE DEPUTY SPEAKER: Order Hon. Members, particularly those to my right. The Hon. Vice President is talking and we are busy shouting at each other, we should show respect.

HON. MNANGAGWA: The stability we are enjoying in this country is a result of ZANU-PF being in power.

HON. CHIBAYA: Hon. Vice President, I am talking about the in-fighting in ZANU-PF. Do you not think that this in-fighting in ZANU-PF will deter investment?

HON. MNANGAGWA: Madam Speaker, I understand that this side of the House (signaling to the right side of the House) is of the ruling party and the other side is of the opposition. A member of the opposition is talking about the ruling party. I am not so sure whether he has crossed the floor and has the knowledge of what is happening in the ruling party. We in the ruling party are not aware of any in-fighting. We are so united in our political party.

HON. CHIBAYA: Hon. Speaker, I think it is within my responsibility as a Member of Parliament to ask the Leader of the House. I belong to the opposition yes, but what I am talking about here is; one of the factors which is considered by investors when they want to invest is political stability. Therefore, what I am talking about here makes sense. We get worried when we hear that some people in Chitungwiza got killed whilst doing party business. This is a pertinent question Hon. Speaker and with all due respect Hon. Vice President, I deserve an honest answer.

HON. MNANGAGWA: Indeed, the Hon. Member deserves an honourable and honest answer. The honest answer in relation to the case he has mentioned is that some murder was committed, which is criminal. The person who committed the crime was arrested. This shows how the rule of law applies in this country. It does not matter which party you belong to, if you commit a crime, you will be arrested. Whatever type of crime you commit, you will get arrested.

However, we are so happy that this country is peaceful and stable. Committing of a crime where a person has been murdered cannot be the reason for anybody who wants to invest to stop investing. There is not even one single country you can point to me and say in this country, there has never been a murder. I thank you.

*HON. CHAMISA: Thank you Madam Speaker. I am surprised by the answer that was given by the Vice President. It is good that the country is peaceful. Hon. Vice President, from the time that you were elected into office, are you happy? Are you having a good night sleep because the First Lady has been moving around all over the country and the slogan has been Handei naAmai, Handei naAmai

*HON. CHINOTIMBA: On a point of order. My point of Order is that before the Vice President answers, let him respond to the fact that Hon. Chamisa is being insulted by the MDC-T. So, can he answer that as well?

THE HON. DEPUTY SPEAKER: I do not think there is any need to keep on raising point of orders. Hon. Chamisa posed a question to the Vice President, can you please give a chance to the Vice President to answer that question.

*THE VICE PRESIDENT AND MINISTER OF JUSTICE, LEGAL AND PARLIAMENTARY AFFAIRS (HON. E. D. MNANGAGWA): I was asked by this boy –[AN HON MEMBER: What is muchinda?]- The Hon. Member who asked the question spoke in Shona. Honourable is not a Shona word. In the kings court, members are referred to as machinda which is a Shona word which refers to a virtuous person. If he does not understand vernacular, then I will call him honourable because he does not know the vernacular word. He asked if I am getting a good night sleep. Do I look like someone who is not getting a good night sleep? – [Laughter] – He knows my wife is here and why did he not ask my wife if I slept well? You can even find out from my sister-in-law if I do get a good night sleep. If you are too shy to ask my wife, you can find out from my sister-in-law over there.

Coming to the second part of the question that was asked about the First Lady holding rallies across the country, the First Lady is conducting ZANU PF rallies and not MDC-T rallies. Why should you be bothered by that?


This post was last modified on November 20, 2015 8:59 am

Charles Rukuni

The Insider is a political and business bulletin about Zimbabwe, edited by Charles Rukuni. Founded in 1990, it was a printed 12-page subscription only newsletter until 2003 when Zimbabwe's hyper-inflation made it impossible to continue printing.

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