Categories: Stories

Mliswa says Muchinguri-Kashiri should issue a ministerial statement on Rusununguko. Wadyajena should step down as chairman of the Lands portfolio committee

My being asked out of Parliament yesterday, I see it as a way to keep me quiet.  If you look at it, I have records of being kicked out by Hon. Khumalo who was the Temporary Speaker yesterday.  He did not give me a warning even the Hon. Speaker and yourself, to say Hon. Member please be quiet, all you say is get out.   Now I think that he is protecting people who are supposed to be answering those questions.  When I am out of here, the same question is answered yet I asked it.  In terms of the Standing Rules and Orders, why would you continue talking about something when the person that asked the question is out?  So it shows that the agenda was to remove me and then the Hon. Minister could respond in my absence.  I am the one with the information and evidence.  Who else is supposed to ask on my behalf?  Does the Standing Rules and Orders give the power for somebody to be given the Power of Attorney by me to ask a question on my behalf? We must be careful because we are violating our own rules.

If I am taken out, I am taken out but the question still remains.  What I would prefer is a Ministerial Statement from the Minister in terms of who Rusununguko is and what does Rusununguko have that benefits the country.  The Commander of the Defence Forces himself, Lft. Gen. Sibanda, during the heroes’ holiday messages was very clear that we fought for this country for everyone to benefit.  Ndosaka zvichinzi dzoserai zvinhu zvevanhu kune vanhu, ndiwo wanga uri iwomusimboti wehondo.  Ndokumbirawo kuti haunganzvengwe nekuti maresources erusununguko ndeenyika. This is why it is said return things to the people because that was why the war was fought.  Soldiers are becoming armed robbers because they are not getting enough money but if they get enough money there will not be any armed robbers.  I am kindly asking for a ministerial statement to address all those issues.

There is an issue of Hon. Wadyajena that I brought to this House in terms of the allegations that he was facing. I am the Chairperson of APNAC Zimbabwe and in my individual capacity, I am the one who has also had the Privileges Committee set up over fictitious, frivolous and agenda setting on bribery which never the case, there is no way Parliament was supposed to come and report back on my request to say can you interrogate him.  Now, he has been arrested yet we were slow, which shows that there are certain Hon. Members of this Parliament who are part of the syndicate because he was chairing a Committee which involves COTTCO. He was chairing FSG which has been giving money and has been doing transport.

So, how do people hold Parliament today, how do people hold the Government of the day and how do people hold the ruling party when they are protecting a chairperson? To me, it is this Parliament which is aiding corruption because I brought this issue up and it was not answered. As such, I move that he stands aside as Chairman of this Committee and the Chief Whip is here because he is pretty clear that he is implicated in many of the issues. If he is exonerated like I did, I did not go back because they knew that I would expose them more, he can go back.

So the blue eyed boy of this Parliament and we know that, but at this time the blue eyed boy is a black boy. It justice must take its course but for the credibility of this Parliament, we cannot allow to have him. He is is important that we follow the due process and respect this Parliament and if I were him, like I did, I stepped aside because of my upbringing and so forth. The credibility of this Parliament is critical and there are so many issues. I also have evidence on him with SFG giving him money and he never brought that SFG to that Parliamentary Committee yet they were an agriculture concern. So many issues arise and it is important that we are seeing Parliament to be acting on any corruption, just as swift as you did when I was accused of accepting a bribe, within 48 hours, a Committee was put in place.

Continued next page


This post was last modified on August 18, 2022 8:33 pm

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Charles Rukuni

The Insider is a political and business bulletin about Zimbabwe, edited by Charles Rukuni. Founded in 1990, it was a printed 12-page subscription only newsletter until 2003 when Zimbabwe's hyper-inflation made it impossible to continue printing.

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