How to turn Zimbabwe into a  middle income country by 2030

Everything rises and falls with leadership. The incoming administration needs to ensure that strong, visionary and transformational leaders are placed in all positions of authority to ensure that the country begins on its pathway to prosperity.

Capable and competent managers must be positioned in all key institutions and agencies to ensure that the vision is relentlessly executed and delivered in a timely manner.

Starting with development of a social contract between government and the citizens, there is need to ensure that government delivers on its promises and commitments and creates a conducive environment for citizens to thrive and prosper.

A national healing and reconciliation process would be priority for implementation and not remain as lip service in order for it to be taken seriously and address the pains and traumas from the past.

The process must not only be for the war and post war atrocities, but also address election and political violence and any other large scale psychological traumas that the citizens have faced.

A new ethical and moral code needs to be established again, built upon our own national traditions and cultures while ingraining values of integrity, respect, hard work and innovation among many others.

This will include deliberate and decisive action on all forms of corruption which have altered the national moral code.

While not exhaustive, I believe with this cocktail of interventions, we will start the country on the path to prosperity and will see a wealthy Zimbabwe established in our lifetimes.

By Farai Charasika for The Source


1 Comment

  1. Mlungisi Dube

    Interesting article, I just calculated that Zimbabwe needs a GDP of over $70 billion in the next 12 years. This is because a middle income country is classified as per capita of $3900 and by then it could be $6000. But here is the tricky part, most people are not taking into account population growth. Population growth of 2.3% means we will have 22 million people by 2030 and therefore Zimbabwe needs 15% GDP growth per ab annum to achieve that

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