Chamisa says 2019 is the year to put our differences aside

Chamisa says 2019 is the year to put our differences aside

Movement for Democratic Change leader Nelson Chamisa today said 2019 is the year to put our differences aside to move forward as a great people.

Chamisa who lost to Zimbabwe African National Union-Patriotic Front leader Emmerson Mnangagwa in the 30 July elections has disputed the result and insists Mnangagwa’s presidency is illegitimate.

He has, however, been calling for dialogue with Mnangagwa saying this is the only way to get the country out of its current economic crisis.

But one of his close subordinates, Chalton Hwende, has been arguing that 2019 is the year for the MDC to reclaim Chamisa’s presidency.

“2019 is the year of rolling mass action against the illegal regime of @edmnangagwa. We voted for @nelsonchamisa and we must be prepared like the thousands of gallant Liberation struggle heroes to die defending our right to chose the President of our Choice #2019ChamisamuOffice,” he tweeted yesterday.

After some negative comments he tweeted: “Ma Zanu-PF trolls kwanai my job is make sure that you give @nelsonchamisa his presidency that you stole with @edmnangagwa. I am not here to please you but to dismantle that terrorist organization called Zanu PF.”

Chamisa today tweeted: “2019 A NEW DIRECTION FOR ZIMBABWE-A new year is time for a new you, a new all.2019 is the year we dare put our differences aside to move forward victoriously as a great people.There’s so much to cover, discover & recover. Something great is coming! God bless you this 2019.#Godisinit.”

It is not clear who will get the ball rolling because ZANU-PF insists Mnangagwa cannot talk to Chamisa until the opposition leader has recognised him as the country’s legitimate President.

On the other hand Chamisa’s persistence that Mnangagwa’s presidency is illegitimate, despite a ruling by the country’s highest court that he was the winner of the presidential elections, is putting off those who supported Chamisa before because they cannot be seen to be backing someone who has no respect for the law, especially since Chamisa is a lawyer.

Chamisa’s New Year tweet could, however, have been aimed at his own party and his lieutenants and not ZANU-PF because the party is facing a crucial congress this year at which it is expected to elect a new leader.

He is reportedly facing resistance from some of his colleagues in the former MDC-T such as Elias Mudzuri and Douglas Mwonzora who are reportedly planning to oppose his candidacy.

There is also disagreement over the congress date with some saying it must be held in February as Chamisa was given only a year’s tenure to steer the party through the elections while others say it should be held in October since the last congress was held in October 2014.

When the MDC celebrated its 19th anniversary at Gwanzura Stadium in Harare last year, Chamisa implored his colleagues not to challenge him claiming he had been left the mantle by founding president Morgan Tsvangirai and therefore has a mandate to fulfill before passing on the mantle.



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