Chamisa promises to end the inept leadership that continues to curse Zimbabwe

From Buhera to Marange

On Saturday, I addressed a rally at Murambinda growth point in Buhera West. Just like elsewhere in the country, the land of Buhera is still shaken following the loss of a national icon and a gallant fighter for democracy, our late leader Dr. Morgan Richard Tsvangirai, who was born in the area.

Zimbabwe is a country of heroes and heroines; a cradle of fighters prepared to pay the ultimate price for their liberty and freedoms. I told the people of Buhera about the thousands who lost their lives during the liberation struggle. I reminded them of other heroes in the struggle for democracy who came from the area such as the late president Tsvangirai as well as talent Mabika and Tichaona Chiminya who were brutally murdered in post-independent Zimbabwe.

The weather-beaten people of Buhera for better prospects in the country, Justas the people at Rukweza business centre in Makoni South, where I addressed another huge crowd on Saturday afternoon.

On Sunday, I had the occasion to address the despondent people of Marange; this rich land of alluvial diamonds that was ravaged by a corrupt and avaricious government that spirited away billions of dollars leaving a hopeless and forlorn people with nothing to show for the wealth that god gave them.

Manicaland depicts a sad national story. This is the site of the once-famous Kondozi, the land known for its rich Tanganda fields and the rich diamond pickings that are all a heart-rending story of the past.

We need to bring back the glory days of Manicaland; days where the entirety of Zimbabwe was a land of grandeur and splendor.

In this rich land where diamonds were spirited away is a derelict infirmary called St Andrews hospital. Given this richness of the land, one would have expected to see a well-equipped modern hospital but alas; all we saw was a struggling health institution with no staff and no drugs in this supposedly rich land of plenty.

I had the opportunity to hold prayers with some of the infirmary’s patients and staff after hearing horrendous stories about the challenges that the hospital faces. The challenges include accommodation challenges, poor remuneration of staff, lack of drugs and other ancillaries as well as dilapidated infrastructure.

I also took the opportunity of my presence in the area to interact with community leaders in the area.

I had inspiring moments with him and other community leaders in the area.

Later, I heard a very sad story about the collapsed infrastructure in the area and how minister Chris Mushowe, who comes from the area, ensured that there was a tarred road only up to his homestead.

The people there said the “honourable” Minister at one time removed a transformer from the area after he was defeated by the MDC-T’s Shua Mudiwa in 2008.

This is the calibre of leaders that continue to drop off the decrepit Zanu PF conveyer belt of “national” leaders!

Come the next election, we pledge to end this wanton tale of selfishness; this distressing yarn of inept leadership that continues to curse our land.

Our incoming government will infuse new hope and optimism in the lives of the long-suffering people of Zimbabwe.

Our track record speaks for itself.

One Zimbabwe, one people.
One Zimbabwe, one future.
One Zimbabwe, one vision.
God bless Zimbabwe.
God bless Africa
Behold the new!



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