Chamisa once again calls on Mnangagwa to concede defeat says he did not even win the rural vote

Chamisa once again calls on Mnangagwa to concede defeat says he did not even win the rural vote

Movement for Democratic Change Alliance leader Nelson Chamisa today called on Zimbabwe African National Union-Patriotic Front leader Emmerson Mnangagwa to concede defeat in the just ended elections and allow the country to move forward.

Mnangagwa was declared the winner of the 30 July elections but Chamisa has challenged the results in court.

Although the hearing is on Wednesday and Mnangagwa’s lawyers filed their answering affidavit this morning, Chamisa called a press conference this morning at which he declared that he won the elections but was rigged out by the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission.

Chamisa said Mnangagwa did not win a two-thirds majority because they were challenging the results. He said Mnangagwa did not even win the rural vote. He was given the votes.

Ironically, Chamisa’s prepared statement that was released to the media was drastically different from what he said on video where he described ZANU-PF as a terrorist party.

Below is the full statement and the video of the press conference

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