Arrogance at its worst

It was arrogance at its worst. Or could Cde Mugabe be losing it? Without in any way trying to denigrate the country's Head of State, what President Mugabe did on…

Zimbabwe: Investment for growth

Zimbabwe is currently facing a financial quagmire. Stocks are falling, taxes have been raised, unemployment is rising and investment is not forthcoming. What then should the country do? Reserve Bank…

People’s power at last

President Robert Mugabe and the war veterans must have been baffled. While the people agreed that war veterans should be paid gratuities and pensions, they emphatically said NO to the…

Ministers and boards

Only a few months after assuming office, Information Minister Chen Chimutengwende, fired the Posts and Telecommunications board. No reason was given. Had Chimutengwende still been deputy minister of Information before…