The Charles Mutama Wikileaks cables

There are only two cables about Charles Mutama who seems to be an intriguing character. First he was reportedly arrested, tortured and forced to lie naked in the urine of a CIO officer. Then he comes up with a grand plan to bomb police stations in five cities. But though his name is cited in only two cables, embassy officials describe him as a long-time contact.


Trevor Ncube’s Third Way

Zimbabwean publisher Trevor Ncube told United States embassy officials on 30 August 2007 that he was so thoroughly disgusted by the Zimbabwe African National Union-Patriotic Front and the Movement for Democratic Change that he believed that only a third way political force could take the country forward.


MDC in dilemma

It was not only the Zimbabwe African National Union-Patriotic Front that was facing a crisis at the end of 2004 because of the so-called Dinyane debacle in which some party members including former Information Minister Jonathan Moyo were allegedly involved in plotting a “smart coup”, but the main opposition Movement for democratic Change was in a dilemma too.