Non-violence pact

Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai has said today that his party and President Robert Mugabe’s ZANU-PF should sign a non-violence pact ahead of the forthcoming elections. "I am prepared to share…

Trevor Ncube wins German award

Zimbabwean journalist, Trevor Ncube, publisher of The Zimbabwe Independent and The Standard, won Germany’s Africa Award for his tireless engagement on behalf of freedom and human rights in Zimbabwe and Africa. The award was presented by the president of the European Parliament.


The complete Strive Masiyiwa Wikileaks dossier

Strive Masiyiwa, according to Wikileaks was not just a successful businessman. He was an advisor of Movement for Democratic Change leader Morgan Tsvangirai. He funded the party and was a close United States embassy contact   for both the Pretoria and Harare embassies. But he was also acceptable to the Zimbabwe African National Union-Patriotic Front because the party Vice President Joseph Msika was his uncle. Our initial search showed that there were 57 Wikileaks cables that mentioned his name. After going through all 57 we came up with 55 that actually referred to him as some had been duplicated. Here are all the 55 cables on one of Zimbabwe’s most powerful businessmen.


The Michael Mataure Wikileaks cables

Michael Mataure, the former ZANU-PF legislator for Chimanimani, was an outspoken critic of the party just before he was kicked out. There are, however, only three Wikileaks cables that mention his name but all three were highly critical of the ruling party.