Chombo fires Mutare mayor

Local Government Minister Ignatius Chombo on 22 July fired Mutare mayor Misheck Kagurabadza for allegedly misusing public funds, but the mayor said he had been fired for showing United Nations special envoy Anna Tibaijuka the living conditions of people in Sakubva after Operation Murambatsvina which had displaced thousands of people.


Mugabe’s departure will not change anything.

President Robert Mugabe’s obituaries have already been written. The writers are just waiting for the old man to kick the bucket to press the publish button. Mugabe, in power since 1980, is one of the most hated men especially by the West. But he is a darling with a lot of Africans because he has been able to stand up to the superpowers and has on occasions shown them the door.


Chombo stops Murambatsvina

Local Government Minister Ignatius Chombo announced on 15 July 2005, that the government was halting Operation Restore Order (Murambatsvina) for 10 days to allow low-density suburb residents time to legalise any structures that did not conform to their land’s official plans.