ZANU-PF desperate to repair relations with US

The Zimbabwe African National Union-Patriotic Front was so desperate to repair relations with the United States government towards the end of 2004 that it sent businessman John Bredenkamp as an emissary to test the waters but at the same time advising embassy officials that the party was prepared to bend over backwards to accommodate the Americans.


Gideon Gono- the first 50 Wikileaks cables

Gideon Gono was at one time the de facto Prime Minister of Zimbabwe. He had become so powerful that he sent shivers through many original founders of the Zimbabwe African National Union-Patriotic Front. But he is now a pale shadow of his former self. There are 290 cables on Gono, making him third with the highest number of cables after Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai and President Robert Mugabe. Here are the first 50