Chronicle lambasts prophets of doom

The Bulawayo daily, Chronicle, lambasted what it called prophets of doom who were already predicting civil unrest and genocide after the presidential elections of 2002 all because the Zimbabwe African National Union- Patriotic Front candidate, Robert Mugabe, was going to win.


ZIDERA exposes lack of patriotism among Mugabe’s lieutenants

The Zimbabwe Democracy and Economic Recovery Act had exposed the lack of patriotism among President Robert Mugabe’s lieutenants as their children were studying in London, Sydney, New York and elsewhere while children of Zimbabwe’s long-suffering tax payers were being sent to the Border Gezi Training Centre before descending on the innocent populace to mete out violence on their own parents.


Mudenge tells EU Zimbabwe will not be bullied

Foreign Minister Stan Mudenge told the European Union that Zimbabwe was not happy with the arbitrary and unilateral manner in which it was making demands rather than seeking mutual consultations with Harare because this was a violation of the spirit of the partnership envisaged under the Cotonou Agreement.


Gono allows dollarisation

Central bank governor Gideon Gono allowed partial dollarization on 10 September 2008 by licensing some wholesalers, retail shops and service stations to increase the availability of goods and improve capacity utilisation by manufacturers.