Earth summit, another useless talk shop

The World Summit on Sustainable Development was going to be another useless talk shop as people like President Robert Mugabe were going to talk about eradicating poverty and disease and empowering their nations and protecting the country’s national resources yet back home he would be all out to crush opponents and all voices of democracy.


Wikileaks cables now stand at 1 100

We now have 1100 Wikileaks cables on Zimbabwe alone. As we have stated before our aim is to publish all the Wikileaks cables that were released on Zimbabwe. This does not in any way mean that we agree with what the cables say. Our primary aim is to demonstrate United States thinking on Zimbabwe. And once we have a complete database of all the cables, we will start investigating some of the things mentioned in the cables.


Zimbabwe is not a punch bag for Western nations

Zimbabwe was not a punch bag for bullies from the Western world who, while preaching democracy, had autocratic foreign policies. This was said by the Bulawayo daily, Chronicle, in an editorial in which the paper supported President Robert Mugabe’s threats to hit back at the Western nations by imposing sanctions on them as well.