Government opens up but……….

The government abandoned its fanciful official exchange rate of Z$55 to a greenback to Z$824 to US$1 and brought up tariffs for fuel and energy more in line with their US dollar values but there were fears that this might not be enough to resuscitate the economy that had been in free fall for five years.


Air Zimbabwe Wikileaks cables

Air Zimbabwe may be in the doldrums but it is a force to reckon with. It even made it into the Wikileaks cables. Here are the first two where chief executive Peter Chikumba was emphasising that the airline must be privatised. But one must ask, why were the Americans interested in such a small airline which was a drain on the fiscus?


Witness implicates US in Mugabe assassination plot

A key state witness in the trial of Movement for Democratic Change leader Morgan Tsvangirai’s treason trial said the United States government new about the alleged assassination plot of President Robert Mugabe because one of the participants at his meetings with Tsvangirai was a Central Intelligence Agency official.