Mining recovers but

Zimbabwe’s mining sector was expected to grow by two percent in 2009 after a decade of steep decline but there were fears that the new indigenisation laws could slow down the growth.


NGO bemoans MDC’s underestimation of ZANU-PF

The leader of a non-governmental organisation who was described by the United States embassy as a long time political analyst in Zimbabwe bemoaned the Movement for Democratic Change’s clumsy political missteps, its underestimation of the Zimbabwe African National Union-Patriotic Front, and lack of political forethought.


Mugabe Wikileaks cables now at 150

President Robert Mugabe has been at the helm of the country since February 1980. During the first decade he was revered and honoured as one of Africa’s foremost leaders. His star started fading during the second decade. In the third decade he became one of the most hated leaders in the world, sometimes only second to Saddam Hussein. But he has survived it all and is into his fourth decade as leader. Our initial search showed that there are 756 cables on him. Here are the first 150.


Botswana official says Zuma is a big disappointment

A Botswana Foreign Affairs official Zibane Ntakhwana said South African President Jacob Zuma had been the biggest disappointment in the Zimbabwean crisis because he had made very positive noises about taking a tougher line on Zimbabwe before being elected president but had done nothing drastically different from former President Thabo Mbeki since taking over.