Opt for proportional representation

February 7, 1992

Two sets of alternatives face all those seeking to improve representative democracy and to ensure effective economic development to benefit…

Inside a hospital

December 31, 1991

- Dr cries as child dies because he can't find right drug- Nurse collapses and there is no equipment to…

Paper sued

December 31, 1991

The Insider, which is celebrating its first anniversary with this issue, has been slapped with its first lawsuit. The paper…

Police boobed: had no right to break up ZUM meeting

December 31, 1991

In what amounts to blatant abuse of power -and shows the length to which police will go to justify their…

Gold panning along public streams now legal

December 31, 1991

Gold panning along the country's streams has now been legalised provided the panners obtain the necessary permits and deposit their…

Porta Farm, disaster

December 31, 1991

Although it has been described as a temporary camp for the purpose of "screening" squatters, Porta Farm is already established…

Zimbabwe needs Posap and not Esap

December 31, 1991

There has been a lot of talk about ESAP (Economic Structural Adjustment Programme) as something we all need to sacrifice…

Bill McLeod predicts

December 31, 1991

-Elections will be held sooner than 1995-There will be change of leadership with new men coming in Zimbabwe's next general…

Who is McLeod?

December 31, 1991

Bill McLeod was born in Scotland in 1937. His mother was psychic. He witnessed his materialisation at the age of…

Court orders reinstatement of Gweru artisans

December 31, 1991

The Gweru City Council was ordered to reinstate 12 artisans and technicians which it summarily dismissed in June last year…