Surprise! Surprise! South Africa’s black women own more houses than their male counterparts according to the latest General Household Survey by Statistics South Africa. And they are the only racial group who beat their male folks. Coloured, Asian and white women are all beaten hands down.
Stats SA says some 3.6 million black women owned homes that were fully paid-up last year while only 3.4 million black men owned fully paid-up homes. Blacks owned 7 million of the 8.3 million homes that were paid-up in South Africa.
Women in other races trailed way behind their men. Among Coloureds, 221 000 women owned fully-paid homes against 273 000 men. The gap for Asians, including Indians, was even wider. Only 53 000 woken owned fully-paid homes compared to 108 000 men. Whites fared worst with only 201 000 women owning fully-paid up homes, less than half of the 437 000 men.
But men who owned homes but were still paying for them outnumbered women across all racial groups.
Black men more than doubled their female counterparts with 339 000 men against 140 000 women. For Coloureds it was 134 000 men against 42 000 women, and 55 000 Asian men against 12 000 women. The gap for whites was even wider with 341 000 men against 77 000 women.
*If you are buying a house or intend to buy one, our book gives you advice on how to quickly pay off your house and still pay half the price. It is available as a kindle book from Amazon and a printed version from Kalahari.