Chamisa still optimistic

Chamisa still optimistic

Movement for Democratic Change Alliance leader Nelson Chamisa is still optimistic that he will win his election challenge case at the Constitutional Court today.

“I’m so happy with e primary evidence & V11s we adduced based on ZEC’s own data. ZEC’s admission to making mistakes x3 in election result settles the matter. Key ? ..Was that e only mistake? ZEC seeks e court to validate a mistake & hopes to have a Con-court uphold a mistake??” he tweeted this morning.

The Constitutional Court will deliver its judgment at 2pm today. Its decision is final.

Chamisa is challenging the victory of Zimbabwe African National Union-Patriotic Front leader Emmerson Mnangagwa who was declared winner with a 50.8 percent vote. This has since been revised downwards but the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission says its declaration still stands.

While initially Chamisa said he had won the poll and wanted to be declared the winner, he is now arguing that Mnangagwa did not win the 50 percent plus one vote required for one to be declared an outright winner and is therefore seeking the election to be invalidated.

If invalidated a fresh election has to be held within 60 days.

While scores of his followers rallied behind him, one calling himself Advocate T. Mututa said: “I don’t waiver in my Faith for a democratic Zimbabwe.  But the short in veracity of the ‘overwhelming evidence’ was clearly a misrepresentation…”

Chamisa responded: “Please take time to read our affidavits. The evidence is overwhelming. Adv Mpofu only gave highlights because of time limits in oral submissions.”

Prophetes said: “Zvakarongeka President. Takangomirira shanduko.”

Sanele Mkhuhlani asked: “So what is the next move if court rule ED winner” to which Chamisa responded: “To govern …the governor needs the consent of the governed. That consent is voluntary.”

Linda asked: “Do we have a plan B or C if we are not successful in court…. I am not feeling hopeful at all…”

Chamisa replied: “Africa winning. Zimbabwe winning. Youth winning. Love and prayers from Kenyan youth. Viva”.

Jr. asked: “Is this the plan B?” Chamisa did not respond but he responded when, Whiz#01 asked: “So what are we looking forward to My President.”

Chamisa responded: “Victory.”



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