Khupe’s case urgent to heard by full bench on 30 May

Deputy Chief Justice Elizabeth Gwaunza has ruled that expelled Movement for Democratic Change vice-president Thokozani Khupe’s application is urgent.

It will therefore be heard by a full bench on 30 May.

Khupe is fighting her expulsion from Parliament by the Nelson Chamisa led faction claiming she leads the legitimate faction by virtue of the fact that she is the one who should have taken over the party leadership after the death of founding father Morgan Tsvangirai because she was the only elected vice-president of the party.

The hearing is too close to the elections and could upset the Chamisa campaign.

Chamisa has rubbished the case saying Khupe’s lawyer Lovemore Madhuku will lose just like he lost in the case of Tendai Biti when he broke away in 2014.







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