Grace Mugabe enjoying herself while the nation waits

Grace Mugabe enjoying herself while the nation waits

Former First Lady Grace Mugabe, who is reported to have financed Movement for Democratic Change Alliance leader Nelson Chamisa’s campaign in the just ended elections, seems to be enjoying herself while the nation waits for the outcome of who is going to be Zimbabwe’s next president.

A video posted by her son Chatunga on his facebook page, in which she is singing “sweet mother”, is doing the rounds and has now landed on YouTube.

While she seems to be enjoying herself with a few friends, the old man is nowhere to be seen.

Grace Mugabe almost became Zimbabwe’s vice-president before the plan was scuttled by the military which intervened in November last year forcing her husband to step down.

She, however, nearly bounced back when her former colleagues in the G40 faction of the Zimbabwe African National Union-Patriotic Front spearheaded the formation of the National Patriotic Front which entered into an alliance with Chamisa but faced stiff resistance when it demanded that Grace should become Chamisa’s deputy and that the Alliance should reserve 82 seats for it.

Although Chamisa denied any link to Grace, former President Robert Mugabe publicly endorsed him in a television interview screened a day before the elections.

Reports say Grace’s link to the Alliance is likely to be exposed if the case of Alliance partner Tendai Biti goes to trial.



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