ZUPCO doubles fares again (updated) fuel also going up

ZUPCO doubles fares again (updated) fuel also going up

The Zimbabwe United Passenger Company is doubling fares from tomorrow with buses charging $16 a trip up from $8 and commuter omnibuses going up from $16 to $32.

ZUPCO doubled its fares last month from $4 to $8 for buses and $8 to $16 for commuter omnibuses.

The Zimbabwe dollar has only fallen by $2.85 against the United States dollar since the last increase.

The price of fuel is, however, also going up from tomorrow.

Diesel will go up by $3.00 to $86.36 and petrol will increase from $93.15 to $97.93.

Both petrol and diesel, will, however cost less in United States dollars going down from US$1.09 to US$1.04 for disel and from US$1.28 to US$1.18.



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