Zimbabwe’s MDC-Alliance giving ZANU-PF too much credit for its own failures

Zimbabwe’s MDC-Alliance giving ZANU-PF too much credit for its own failures

Marshall Shonhai said although there had been some mistakes, that was over and done with. Opposition to ZANU-PF was no longer in the name MDC; it was now in the hearts of the people.

“The people of Zimbabwe know who to vote for, this other faction can take the name and the party HQ but what it will never take is what is in the hearts and minds of the people of Zimbabwe. They’re only fooling themselves, opposition to the regime in Harare is no longer in the name MDC, it is now an ideology, an ideology that is in the hearts of the people. That is why a free and fair election will not be possible anytime soon because ZANU knows it will NEVER win fairly against the people of this country,” he said.

Mangiroza Alex P Murinye said the difference between ZANU-PF and the MDC was that ZANU-PF had strategists while the MDC had reactionaries.

“ZANU-PF yakatombokanyawo ingawani pakudzinga Mugabe through a coup without following due process i.e. Congress but MDC yakatopindirawo nyaya dze ZANU (impeachment) and sanitized the coup. The only difference is that ZANU-PF ine ma strategists while MDC ine ma reactionaries, vanhu vacho vane bfepfe too much,” he said.

Nicky Everson saw things differently. The politics of the stomach was the main cause for the split, he said.

“Chimwe chakauraya party is politics of the stomach. Adopted during gnu. Mashefu kudya havo vachisvipira vari pasi. It made everyone think kuti ndoda kudyawo and i should have a position. Now munhu wese wants to be councillor or MP, kuti adye. Munhu wese wants to be kumusoro kunational kuitira kudya.”

Manyenyeni summed it all. Whatever the problem in the MDC, its supporters expect the party to outsmart the ZANU-PF apparatus which includes police, judiciary, the Central Intelligence Organisation, army, and the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission.

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