Zimbabweans fully immunised against coronavirus surpass 200 000

Zimbabweans fully immunised against coronavirus surpass 200 000

Zimbabweans who have received the two required coronavirus vaccinations to be fully immunised today surpassed 200 000 after 11 636 got their second dose to bring the total to 203 781.

A further 11 585 got their first dose raising the number of those so far vaccinated to 571 460.

There were 44 new cases, 16 of them from Matebeleland North and 14 from Matebeleland South, and only 22 recoveries, 20 of them in Harare.

There were no deaths.

Cases now stand at 38 535, recoveries at 36 308 ad deaths ta 1 582.

The number of active cases rose to 645 with Harare down to 373, Bulawayo 91 while Matebeleland North rose to 56 and Matebeleland South to 32.



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