Zimbabwe war veterans denounce Mugabe ask Harare airport to be renamed

Zimbabwe war veterans denounce Mugabe ask Harare airport to be renamed

Zimbabwe’s war veterans today denounced their former patron Robert Gabriel Mugabe for selling out  the revolution and have drawn up a petition to have the Harare International Airport, which was renamed Robert Gabriel Mugabe International Airport, renamed.

Mugabe led Zimbabwe for 37 years, the first seven as Prime Minister and was patron of the war veterans association.

He was forced to resign in November last year after the military intervened and Parliament moved to impeach him.

The war veterans said they are going to handover the petition to have the airport renamed at the airport tomorrow.

The secretary-general of the war veterans association Victor Matemadanda also said though it was not their duty to run the affairs of the opposition, supporters of the Movement for Democratic Change must kick out their leader Nelson Chamisa because he was just like his new found mentor Robert Mugabe.

He was after self-aggrandisement and not the wishes of the people.

Matemadanda said Chamisa marched with war veterans and fellow Zimbabweans on 18 November last year demanding that Mugabe should go and even called him a monster but they were now in bed together with Mugabe as a “saint and darling”.

Matemadanda also blasted the United States for extending sanctions on Zimbabwe and said that though Zimbabwe wanted re-engagement this should be on an equal footing.

The United States extending sanctions on Zimbabwe, which have been in force since 2003, last week.

He said the United States should not play big brother because Zimbabwe was a sovereign state and could not be dictated to.

He also called on Britain to treat Zimbabwe as an equal partner.

“We want partners who move side by side with us, not behind us or ahead of us,” he said.




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