Zimbabwe to pay health workers coronavirus risk allowance

Zimbabwe to pay health workers coronavirus risk allowance

Zimbabwe is to pay health workers a coronavirus allowances ranging from $600 to $1 500 a month depending on the type of risk they are exposed to.

High risk workers, that is those with first-hand contact with a patient or suspected case, will be paid $1 500 a month.

Those exposed to moderate risk, that is those with second hand contact with a patient or suspected case, will be paid $900 a month while those with low risk, that is those with indirect contact, will be paid $600.

A total of $175 million has been set aside for this.

Only nine people have so far tested positive out of the more than 300 that have been tested.

The government declared a lockdown of 21-days on 30 March to help curb the spread of the virus and so far nearly 500 people have been arrested for violating regulations governing the lockdown.




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