Zimbabwe is the third most corrupt African country after Nigeria and Egypt according to the latest survey by Afrobarometer.
The survey of 34 African countries is based on how citizens feel about government’s handling of the fight against corruption and was released on Wednesday.
A staggering 81 percent of those surveyed in Zimbabwe felt the government was doing poorly. This was slightly better than Nigeria and Egypt which were both tied at 82 percent.
Only 28 percent of the people in Malawi felt their government was doing poorly, the lowest amongst the countries surveyed.
Within the Southern African region, Tanzania was next at number 10 followed by South Africa at number 11. In both countries 66 percent of the people felt the government was doing badly.
Just a decade ago only 38 percent of the Zimbabweans felt the government was failing to handle corruption.
The survey said police were the most corrupt officials on the continent, followed by government officials and then tax officials.
Zimbabwean police were placed fourth after Nigeria, Kenya and Sierra Leone.
Government officials were fifth after Nigeria, Kenya, Sierra Leone and South Africa.
Surprisingly, Zimbabwe’s tax officials were not among the worst or the least corrupt. Cameroon topped the list followed by Nigeria, Sierra Leone, Benin and Liberia.