Zimbabwe tests nearly 3 000 for coronavirus, 12 positive

Zimbabwe tests nearly 3 000 for coronavirus, 12 positive

Zimbabwe today tested 2 836 people for the coronavirus but only 12 were positive, increasing the number of cases to 617.

Seven people, four from Manicaland and three from Mashonaland East, recovered, bringing the total to 173.

There are now 437 active cases.

No province has turned the corner yet though Mashonaland Central and Matebeleland North are closest.

Mashonaland Central has six active cases and four recoveries while Matebeleland North has nine active against eight recovered.

Harare has the greatest gap with 159 active cases against 64 recoveries.

It is followed by Midlands which has 65 cases but only four have recovered and one has died.

Globally the number of cases continues to increase and could reach 11 million by tomorrow morning.

So far there are 10.9 million cases which include 521 000 deaths, 6.1 million people that have recovered and 4.3 million active cases.



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