Zimbabwe Parliament report on ZINARA 2017-2018 audit- Part 3

Zimbabwe Parliament report on ZINARA 2017-2018 audit- Part 3

  1. Regrettably the above letter by the State Procurement Board does not disclose what sort of documents were placed before the State Procurement Board in respect of which condonation was granted.
  2. Regrettably too, in the absence of Eng. Juma’s letter of March 14, 2016, the Committee was unable to determine what documents were placed before the State Procurement Board.
  3. Of significance however, is the fact that the agreement between ZINARA and Univern is now described as a Public Private Partnership (PPP).
  4. Two questions arise which will be answered by this report, namely:

The true nature of the agreement between Univern and ZINARA and whether or not it could be described as a PPP agreement; and

Whether or not the said agreement as well complies with the letter and spirit of Zimbabwean Law




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