Zimbabwe needs the military to instill discipline-Mliswa

Zimbabwe needs the military to instill discipline-Mliswa

Zimbabwe needs the military because indiscipline in the country is too much, independent legislator Temba Mliswa said.

Mliswa was commenting on the appointment of Vice-President Constantino Chiwenga, former commander of Zimbabwe’s defence forces, as Minister of Health.

“This country needs a dogmatic leader because democracy and its ideals such as freedom of speech we don’t accept. The indiscipline is too much. Mugabe had a peaceful reign because he was dogmatic in dealing us,” Mliswa tweeted.

“This is the approach that informs the appointment of VP Chiwenga. He is a dogmatic leader who brings order for progress. We need the military to keep us in check; we need tough people who will do things to advance the cause of the country.

“Currently we are hyped about #ZimbabweanLivesMatter but those lives have always mattered. What’s the difference now? The real hashtag should be #AllLivesMatter .

“We must be mature enough to respect our constitution and not seek some Arab Spring scenarios here. That won’t happen. No matter the frustrations out there let’s be constitutionalists and wait for 2023 and vote our choices into power.”

Vie Matongo blasted Mliswa said could he not see that PresidentEmmerson Mnangagwa was worse than former President Robert Mugabe.

“Oh my goodness. Can’t you see mnangagwa is worse. Indiscipline ipi yamavakutaura apa vadhoti imi?” Matongo responded.

“You must pay back the money #PayBackTheMoney is indisciple, so u want to loot willy-nilly, you are the exact reason why there is need for military intervention. “

Siphosami  Malunga said what Mliswa had said was utter nonsense.

“This is such utter nonsense.  1st, YOU were at the forefront of removing the “dogmatic” leader Mugabe(whatever it means) 2nd, #PayBackTheMoney.3rd, give back what you violently too from that Westwood fellow.4th, we are not your children to be disciplined.”

Maluga was supported by Kamumvuri who urged the people of Norton to vote Mliswa out in 2023.

“The people of NORTON make sure you correct this blatant mistake come 2023!!! This one is proving to be worse that the current regime!!” Kamumvuri tweeted.

Innocent Nhire, however, supported Mliswa saying: “ I actually agree. Zimbabweans it seems are not ready for freedom and democracy. After Nov 2017, most people are simply not ready for freedom and have even been violent about it, gording ZANU PF. Notice that we are more vile, intolerant,abusive, polarized and do politics 24/7,” Kamumvuri said.

Katerere said: “This nation should be fully militarized. In Tanzania mahobhooo anepower and people listen to them. Discipline is what Zimbabweans need.”



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