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Why positions in ZAPU prior to 1987 do not matter any more

The race for second Vice-President of the Zimbabwe African National Union-Patriotic Front has opened debate about which formula should be used to elect someone to the post – history or incumbency.

 Incumbency favours Simon Khaya Moyo because he is the national chairman. That post has been the stepping stone to the vice-presidency for former ZAPU officials.  But history does not.  He was too junior at the time of the unity accord. History does favour Phelekezela Mphoko who was the first to challenge the promotion of Moyo claiming he was senior to Moyo, either.

History also shows that apart from Joseph Msika, seniority in the former ZAPU did not apply to subsequent appointments.  Msika who was Joshua Nkomo’s deputy just before the unity accord was given the national chairman’s post which was the next in-line for vice-president.

After Msika it appears to have been a free for all. When Msika was promoted to Vice-President following the death of Nkomo, John Nkomo was elevated to national chairman, ahead of two others who were his seniors at the time of the unity accord- Welshman Maben and Naison Ndlovu.

Simon Khaya Moyo jumped over even more when he was elevated to national chairman when Msika died and Nkomo was promoted to Vice-President.

War veterans from the former ZAPU argue that posts within ZANU-PF should not be based on positions in the former parties that united in 1987 but purely on merit.

Their argument is that if positions continue to be based on the former parties, no one from the former ZAPU can ever become state president as the highest one can aspire to become is second vice-president.

And they made their point when Jabulani Sibanda was elected national chairman of the War Veterans Association, a position that could have been permanently occupied by former Zimbabwe African National Liberation Army cadres had they not broken this jinx.

Besides, in ZANU  Joice Mujuru skipped everyone to become vice-President in 2004.


Here is the last executive of ZAPU before the unity accord.





1-Dr J.N.M Nkomo                                         President

2-J.W. Msika                                                 Vice President

3-W.H. Mabhena                                           Secretary General

4-N.C.M. Nyashanu                                       Deputy Secretary General

5-K.M.Mano                                                  Treasurer General

6-N.K. Ndlovu                                                National Chairman

7-R.G. Marange                                            National Organising Secretary

8-J.L. Nkomo                                                 Executive Secretary for Publicity and Information

9-R.P. Nyandoro                                           Executive Secretary for Transport

10-E.D. Ndlovu                                              Executive Secretary for Political Education

11-S.J. Nkomo                                               Executive Secretary for Foreign Affairs

12-N. Zikhali                                                  Executive Secretary for Youth Affairs

13-Mrs M. Makwavarara                               Executive Secretary for Women Affairs

14-Dr I. Nyathi                                               Executive Secretary for Security

15-Adv. S.K. M. Sibanda                               Executive Secretary for Legal Affairs

16-Dr K.L. Dube                                            Executive Secretary for Education

17-A. Masawi                                                Executive Secretary for Tradition and Culture

18-L.G. Madiye                                             Executive Secretary for Public Relations

19-M. Chinamasa                                          Executive Secretary for Commerce and Industry

20-Mrs R.L. Chinamano                                Executive Secretary for Welfare Services

21-Dr S.U. Sakupwanya                                Executive Secretary for Health Services

22-M.M.Bhebe                                               Executive Secretary for Mines

23-J. Padzakashamba                                   Executive Secretary for Construction

24-K.B. Bhebe                                               Executive Secretary for Agriculture

25-N. Moyoi                                                   Executive Secretary for Economic Planning and Development



26-S.K. Vuma                                            Deputy Executive Treasurer General

27-H.S.K. Mazendame                               Vice National Chairman (Acting)

28-S.D. Malunga                                       Deputy National Organising Secretary

29-Mrs. `A. Masuku                                   Deputy National Organising Secretary

30-B. Hollington                                         Deputy National Organising Secretary

31-P. Chilimanzi                                         Deputy Executive Secretary for Publicity and Information

32-V. Dhlamini                                           Deputy Executive Secretary for Transport

33- D. Mangwende                                    Deputy Executive Secretary for Political Education

34-N. Mabhena                                          Deputy Executive Secretary for Foreign Affairs

35-M.Chiranganyika                                  Deputy Executive Secretary for Youth Affairs

36-V. Knife                                                Deputy Executive Secretary for Youth Affairs

37-T.V. Lesabe                                         Deputy Executive Secretary for Women Affairs

38-D. Dabengwa                                       Deputy Executive Secretary for Security

39-Adv. S. Katsere                                    Deputy Executive Secretary for Legal Affairs

40-Adv. L. Senda-Moyo                             Deputy Executive Secretary for Legal Affairs

41-Prof. G.P. Kahari                                  Deputy Executive Secretary for Education

42-Chief J.M.Mangwende                          Deputy Executive Secretary for Tradition and Culture

43-K.C. Mohadi                                         Deputy Executive Secretary for Public Relations

44-E.Khan                                                 Deputy Executive Secretary for Commerce and Industry

45-Rev Masiyane                                      Deputy Executive Secretary  for Welfare Services

46-E.B. Hananda                                       Deputy Executive Secretary for Health Services

47-T.V.Mpofu                                            Deputy Executive Secretary for Mines

48-P. Takundwa                                        Deputy Executive Secretary for Construction

49-P. Matende                                           Deputy Executive Secretary for Agriculture

50- S. D. Mdlongwa                                   Deputy Executive Secretary for Economic Planning and Development.


Charles Rukuni

The Insider is a political and business bulletin about Zimbabwe, edited by Charles Rukuni. Founded in 1990, it was a printed 12-page subscription only newsletter until 2003 when Zimbabwe's hyper-inflation made it impossible to continue printing.

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