Who is scared of elections? Chamisa or Mnangagwa?

Who is scared of elections? Chamisa or Mnangagwa?

Citizens Coalition for Change leader Nelson Chamisa today said that President Emmerson Mnangagwa is so scared of elections that he will try all means “foul or ugly” to avoid them.

Mnangagwa’s spokesman George Charamba said the elections are going ahead. Zimbabwe has no intention of delaying the elections because this would be unconstitutional.

The exchange was sparked off by a tweet from Chamisa who said: “I’m reliably informed that Mukoma is now so scared of the election.And he will try all means, foul & ugly, to avoid 2023 election. But then, one can’t postpone Christmas simply because they are on the dinner menu.A turkey can’t be trusted for advice on the timing of Christmas!”

Charamba fired back: “Important announcement! Zimbabwe will not, neither does government ha(ve) an(y) intention to, delay elections for any reason(s). Elections cannot be postponed as this will be unconstitutional. So far nothing necessitates nor validates the need for Constitutional Amendments.Stand guided.”

One of Chamisa’s followers told the CCC leader to take that information with a pinch of salt to which Chamisa replied: “Trust Presidential sources.”

Someone going by the handle of zimbology said: “2 possibilities: 1) No one told you this, you’re just fantasising. 2) You’re being told what you want to hear as part of mind games. Elections are happening. ZANUPF has been in election mode since Mnangagwa started cutting ribbons. You on the other hand haven’t even started yet.”

Zimbabwe is expected to hold elections between July and August.

The country is currently debating the preliminary delimitation report with some saying it is deeply flawed and may have to be nullified.

The constitution says if the delimitation report is not approved on time, the country holds elections using the previous constituencies.

Zimbabwe has 210 constituencies and these have not been  increased. What is going to change are the boundaries of the constituencies.

Under the preliminary report, Harare gained one constituency while Matebeleland South lost one.



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