Warrant of arrest for Grace Mugabe

Warrant of arrest for Grace Mugabe

Afrikaans rights group Afriforum says a warrant of arrest has been issued against Zimbabwe’s former First Lady Grace Mugabe in connection with the assault in August last year of South African model Gabriella Engels.

Grace Mugabe was granted diplomatic immunity at the time but the High Court in Johannesburg ruled in July this year that the decision to grant her immunity was unconstitutional.

Grace Mugabe and her husband have not been feeling well and have spent most of this year in Singapore.

The former First Lady raised a storm in South Africa after she stormed a hotel in the affluent suburb of Sandton in Johannesburg and allegedly walloped Engels with an electric cable after she found her and others with her two sons.

Grace is said to have offered Engels an undisclosed amount to drop the charges but she turned the offer down.

Engels was, however, offered a R35 000 scholarship to attend a beauty school after the assault and has since graduated and is now looking for a job in the film industry.




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