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Tshabangu tells Chamisa it’s too late to talk now

Self-proclaimed interim secretary general of the Citizens Coalition for Change Sengezo Tshabangu today said he received a call from CCC leader Nelson Chamisa requesting a dialogue but he says he told Chamisa it was too late because the matter was now in the courts.

CCC has taken Tshabangu to court for recalling several legislators and councillors saying he has no mandate to do so as he is not a member of the party.

Tshabangu says he is a member of the CCC that was formed last year after Movement for Democratic Change-Tsvangirai leader Douglas Mwonzora laid claim to the MDC-Alliance name.

He says he is not a member of the CCC Wapusa Wapusa

Tshabangu said today on his X handle: “I must tell our people this,Yesterday I received a call from Nelson Chamisa requesting for a dialogue with me concerning the state of affairs of our movement but I told him that its too late since everything is now being handled in the courts of law, lets respect our Judiciary.”

When told that what he was doing will never make President Emmerson Mnangagwa a legitimate leader, Tshabangu responded: “Mina ngimazwangendaba mina.” 

When told by Dexter Nduna: “You know your rights lawyer sir. Overall, sub judice is a legal term that refers to a case or matter that is currently pending before a court and is therefore not available for public discussion or comment,” Tshabangu responded: “Well said.”

Judgement in the case between CCC and Tshabangu was reserved.

CCC has mandated Chamisa to talk to Mnangagwa to resolve the political crisis in the country.



Charles Rukuni

The Insider is a political and business bulletin about Zimbabwe, edited by Charles Rukuni. Founded in 1990, it was a printed 12-page subscription only newsletter until 2003 when Zimbabwe's hyper-inflation made it impossible to continue printing.

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