The Theresa Makone Wikileaks cables

Theresa Makone has been one of the most powerful women in the Movement for Democratic Change and together with her husband Ian, they have been party of MDC leader Morgan Tsvangirai’s inner cabinet. The couple is reported to control the party’s financial strings. They were allegedly the channel for party funding to avoid the Political Finances Act which barred parties from receiving outside funding. The power she wields within the party is demonstrated by the fact that she is the Minister of the powerful post of Home Affairs. There are only seven cables that mention her name. Here they are.

7-Mai Mujuru the only ZANU-PF heavyweight sharing dais with Tsvangirai

6-Mugabe, Tsvangirai reward loyalty for cabinet picks

5-Mugabe outmanoeuvred MDC to increase size of cabinet

4-Biti said “Tsvangirai’s idiocy is shocking”

3-Makone elected chair amid allegations Matibenga has ZANUPF links

2-Makone arrested

1-Makone threatened



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