The old ZAPU leadership gone with death of Naison Ndlovu




1-Dr J.N.M Nkomo                                         President

2-J.W. Msika                                                 Vice President

3-W.H. Mabhena                                           Secretary General

4-N.C.M. Nyashanu                                       Deputy Secretary General

5-K.M.Mano                                                  Treasurer General

6-N.K. Ndlovu                                                National Chairman

7-R.G. Marange                                            National Organising Secretary

8-J.L. Nkomo                                                 Executive Secretary for Publicity and Information

9-R.P. Nyandoro                                           Executive Secretary for Transport

10-E.D. Ndlovu                                              Executive Secretary for Political Education

11-S.J. Nkomo                                               Executive Secretary for Foreign Affairs

12-N. Zikhali                                                  Executive Secretary for Youth Affairs

13-Mrs M. Makwavarara                               Executive Secretary for Women Affairs

14-Dr I. Nyathi                                               Executive Secretary for Security

15-Adv. S.K. M. Sibanda                               Executive Secretary for Legal Affairs

16-Dr K.L. Dube                                            Executive Secretary for Education

17-A. Masawi                                                Executive Secretary for Tradition and Culture

18-L.G. Madiye                                             Executive Secretary for Public Relations

19-M. Chinamasa                                          Executive Secretary for Commerce and Industry

20-Mrs R.L. Chinamano                                Executive Secretary for Welfare Services

21-Dr S.U. Sakupwanya                                Executive Secretary for Health Services

22-M.M.Bhebe                                               Executive Secretary for Mines

23-J. Padzakashamba                                   Executive Secretary for Construction

24-K.B. Bhebe                                               Executive Secretary for Agriculture

25-N. Moyoi                                                   Executive Secretary for Economic Planning and Development



26-S.K. Vuma                                            Deputy Executive Treasurer General

27-H.S.K. Mazendame                               Vice National Chairman (Acting)

28-S.D. Malunga                                       Deputy National Organising Secretary

29-Mrs. `A. Masuku                                   Deputy National Organising Secretary

30-B. Hollington                                         Deputy National Organising Secretary

31-P. Chilimanzi                                         Deputy Executive Secretary for Publicity and Information

32-V. Dhlamini                                           Deputy Executive Secretary for Transport

33- D. Mangwende                                    Deputy Executive Secretary for Political Education

34-N. Mabhena                                          Deputy Executive Secretary for Foreign Affairs

35-M.Chiranganyika                                  Deputy Executive Secretary for Youth Affairs

36-V. Knife                                                Deputy Executive Secretary for Youth Affairs

37-T.V. Lesabe                                         Deputy Executive Secretary for Women Affairs

38-D. Dabengwa                                       Deputy Executive Secretary for Security

39-Adv. S. Katsere                                    Deputy Executive Secretary for Legal Affairs

40-Adv. L. Senda-Moyo                             Deputy Executive Secretary for Legal Affairs

41-Prof. G.P. Kahari                                  Deputy Executive Secretary for Education

42-Chief J.M.Mangwende                          Deputy Executive Secretary for Tradition and Culture

43-K.C. Mohadi                                         Deputy Executive Secretary for Public Relations

44-E.Khan                                                 Deputy Executive Secretary for Commerce and Industry

45-Rev Masiyane                                      Deputy Executive Secretary  for Welfare Services

46-E.B. Hananda                                       Deputy Executive Secretary for Health Services

47-T.V.Mpofu                                            Deputy Executive Secretary for Mines

48-P. Takundwa                                        Deputy Executive Secretary for Construction

49-P. Matende                                           Deputy Executive Secretary for Agriculture

50- S. D. Mdlongwa                                   Deputy Executive Secretary for Economic Planning and Development.



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